In the mesmerizing world of “Destined Strife,” orphaned Gao Yang embarks on a journey that transcends reality itself. Raised by a loving family of five in what he believed to be a parallel universe, Gao Yang’s world is shattered at eighteen when he uncovers a chilling truth: his family and friends are not human, but formidable “beasts” lurking in the shadows.
Faced with imminent danger, Gao Yang’s life takes a thrilling turn when he stumbles upon the enigmatic [Luck] system, a gift that promises strength with each passing day. As he navigates the treacherous landscape of deceit and betrayal, a riveting showdown between lambs and wolves unfolds.
Experience the adrenaline-pumping battles, heart-pounding suspense, and jaw-dropping revelations in “Destined Strife” – where fate hangs by a thread, and every choice could mean the difference between survival and demise. Join Gao Yang as he embraces his destiny and confronts the darkness within in this epic tale of courage, resilience, and the ultimate quest for truth.