In a world where the game system descends upon reality, chaos reigns as monsters overrun cities, and magical disasters disrupt life. Everyone must choose a class, level up, and grow stronger to survive. Amid this upheaval, Zhou Yi, an unremarkable individual, unlocks the unparalleled S+ rank talent, Protection of the Sacred Angel, during his class awakening. This transforms him into the hidden and seemingly mundane class, Sacred Knight. However, Zhou Yi’s Sacred Knight is anything but ordinary.
Blessed by celestial forces, Zhou Yi commands a vast array of divine powers: Weapon Blessing, Angel Blessing, and Honor Blessing, among others. His holy aura alone is capable of annihilating entire spaces, leaving everyone who doubted the Sacred Knight class in awe. As Zhou Yi continues to grow, he uncovers hidden secrets about the world, confronts ancient monsters, and emerges as the ultimate paladin who transcends common sense.
Follow Zhou Yi’s journey as he challenges conventional wisdom, shatters expectations, and proves that the Sacred Knight isn’t just a protective role—it’s a class that can dominate reality itself. With his unwavering determination, Zhou Yi rises to become a beacon of hope in a crumbling world, redefining what it means to be an SSS-Rank Paladin.
Alternative Names:
- Holy Aura: Rise of the Sacred Knight
- SSS-Class Paladin: The Angel’s Chosen
- Beyond Common Sense: Zhou Yi’s Sacred Path
- The Ultimate Hidden Class: Sacred Knight Chronicles
- Blessings of the Angelic Paladin