a world where humans with extraordinary abilities, known as Espers, coexist alongside monstrous Mutated Beasts, Zhang Ping finds himself awakening to a seemingly useless power. While others wield formidable talents, Zhang Ping’s ability appears to be a cruel joke, offering no tangible advantage in a world teetering on the edge of chaos. Refusing to accept a life of mediocrity and insignificance, Zhang Ping makes a daring decision that would send chills down the spines of even the most seasoned Espers.
Determined to rewrite his destiny, Zhang Ping swallows a Contract Gem – a mystical artifact capable of binding a creature’s very essence to another’s will. However, instead of binding himself to a fearsome beast, he audaciously makes a contract with himself, effectively becoming his own summon. This unprecedented act shatters the limitations of his power, unlocking limitless potential. With newfound abilities, Zhang Ping navigates a breathtaking world filled with a menagerie of Mutated Beasts, treacherous parallel dimensions, and endless possibilities. Through sheer determination and ingenuity, he transforms from an underestimated outcast to a formidable force, proving that even the most unlikely abilities can lead to extraordinary outcomes.
Alternative Names:
- Bound by Destiny: Zhang Ping’s Awakening
- The Esper’s Contract: Zhang Ping’s Ascension
- Unleashed Potential: Zhang Ping’s Journey
- The Self-Summon Esper: Zhang Ping’s Tale
- Power Within: Zhang Ping’s Rise
- Awakening the Impossible: Zhang Ping’s Story
- The Esper and His Own Summon
- Boundless Power: Zhang Ping’s Saga
- The Contract Gem Chronicles: Zhang Ping
- The Audacious Esper: Zhang Ping’s Path