The story centers on Gao Miao, a tenacious male protagonist navigating an extraordinary world forged from the vast tapestry of billions of movies, comics, novels, and literary works. His sole purpose is to find a way back to Earth, a quest that propels him through a labyrinthine landscape teeming with diverse characters, plotlines, and challenges. Gao Miao’s journey is a continual process of upgrades, where he hones his skills and abilities to confront formidable monsters and adapt to the intricate narratives of the fictional realms he traverses.
In addition to his epic battles and daring escapades, Gao Miao also delves into the art of forming a harem, forging profound connections with a wide array of characters from the diverse literary universes he encounters. This story weaves together elements of adventure, romance, and action, providing readers with a thrilling and ever-evolving narrative that celebrates the limitless creativity of the human imagination.