In the mystical realm of Purple Weave Land, a genius swordsman ascends to the ninth heaven, unleashing chaos until a peerless expert seals him beneath God Sword Mountain. There, he endures relentless torment as countless swords pierce his heart day and night. Reborn as a carefree prince, he discovers his body weakened by lingering sword energies. Determined to reclaim his strength, he masters the unparalleled techniques of the Barbaric Wilderness and Exterminating Immortal Force. With unstoppable resolve, he embarks on an extraordinary journey, showcasing unwavering loyalty and bravery for the sake of brotherhood. His path is filled with epic battles, profound cultivation, and a quest for ultimate power, all in the name of redemption and honor.
Adapted from the novel ‘Path of the Divine’, this story chronicles the rebirth of a once-mighty swordsman into a frail prince, and his relentless pursuit to overcome all odds. From enduring unimaginable torment to mastering invincible techniques, he evolves into a force to be reckoned with. As he navigates the treacherous world of Purple Weave Land, his loyalty and determination drive him to face countless challenges, all while forging unbreakable bonds with his brothers-in-arms. This tale of resilience, loyalty, and unparalleled power captivates readers with its blend of epic fantasy, intense action, and heartfelt camaraderie.
Alternative Names
- Path of the Divine: Rebirth of the Swordsman
- Purple Weave Land: The Divine Path
- God Sword Mountain: The Tormented Swordsman
- Barbaric Wilderness: Master of Immortal Force