In the wake of a catastrophic invasion by extraterrestrial evil spirits, the once-prosperous immortal cultivation civilization of Tongxuan Continent faced devastation, with knowledge and practitioners nearly wiped out. Reborn as the young master of the Wang family, Wang Rui finds himself navigating a world vastly different from his previous life, yet bearing the same name and memories. “After 10000 years I will do whatever I want” is a captivating series brought to life by the talented author and artists at webdexscans. With compelling storytelling and rich world-building, they have created a masterpiece that immerses readers in a gripping narrative.
Known for its well-developed characters and emotional depth, “After 10000 years I will do whatever I want” offers a unique blend of fantasy and intrigue. Dive into this series to experience its captivating concept and explore a world where anything is possible.