In a world suddenly plagued by twisted monsters known as “terror,” humanity teeters on the brink of chaos. These nightmarish creatures emerge under the cover of darkness, warping the minds of the innocent and turning them into demonic abominations. As the government and elite retreat to floating cities, leaving the majority of people to fend for themselves, hope seems all but lost. On the ground, survival depends on a warning system and the brave individuals who dare to face the terror head-on—these are the “night watchmen.” Among them is Li Fan, a night watchman unlike any other.
While most night watchmen harness superpowers to combat the growing threat, Li Fan wields something far more extraordinary—a trick system that allows him to open monsters with unmatched precision. His unique ability, “999 for one knife,” turns the tables on the terror, making him the most feared and revered night watchman in the city. As Li Fan carves his way through hordes of monsters, he uncovers the dark secrets of the terror and the truth behind the government’s abandonment. In this gripping tale of survival, power, and rebellion, Li Fan’s relentless pursuit of monster-slaying mastery transforms him into a legend, a beacon of hope for those left behind on the ground.
Alternative Names:
- Night Watchman: Li Fan’s Monster-Slaying Saga
- 999 for One Knife: The Tale of Li Fan
- Terror Hunters: Li Fan’s Quest
- The Last Line of Defense: Li Fan’s Night Watch
- Monster-Slaying Trick System: Li Fan’s Rise
- Li Fan and the Night of Terror
- City of Terror: The Legend of Li Fan
- Floating Cities and Ground Heroes: Li Fan’s Fight
- Li Fan: The Blade of the Night Watch
- Terror’s End: Li Fan’s Monster-Slaying Path