In the intriguing series “I Only Want to Be Beaten to Death by You,” follow the unconventional journey of Yu Le, who meets an untimely death due to overwork, only to find himself in a fantastical new world. Equipped with a typical protagonist’s system, Yu Le’s initial excitement quickly turns to dismay when his lack of ambition leads the system to abandon him. In a twist of fate, Yu Le discovers that his attempts to end his life paradoxically result in him growing stronger. Each failed suicide attempt surprisingly boosts his strength, leaving him both confused and intrigued.
As Yu Le delves into his new existence, he wrestles with the irony of his situation and the peculiar nature of his empowerment. Determined to understand why his suicidal actions lead to unexpected increases in power, Yu Le embarks on a quest to reactivate his dormant system and seek immortality. The series captures Yu Le’s journey through a world where his underachieving lifestyle becomes the key to unlocking unparalleled strength and unraveling the mysteries of his peculiar fate. Join Yu Le in this humorous and philosophical exploration of strength, destiny, and self-discovery.
Alternative Names:
- I Only Want to Die by Your Hands
- The Underachiever’s Path to Power
- Yu Le’s Unintended Rise to Immortality
- The Accidental Immortal: Yu Le’s Tale
- The Suicide Saga of Yu Le
- Immortality Through Misfortune: Yu Le’s Journey
- The Peculiar Path to Strength
- From Suicide to Superpower: The Yu Le Chronicles
- Yu Le: Strength Through Failure
- The Immortal Missteps of Yu Le