As the world plunges into chaos, humanity awakens to a newfound power, each individual discovering their own special abilities to combat the monstrous entities that dwell within towering structures scattered across the land. However, at the pinnacle of the most formidable tower, an insurmountable obstacle awaits—Jiu Ming, the strongest boss sitting at the top of the tower. This devilish figure is not just another adversary but an unyielding force, a challenge that has broken countless brave souls who once believed they were destined to be the heroes of their stories.
One by one, these so-called protagonists ascend the tower, confident that their protagonist halo will ensure victory. Yet, Jiu Ming’s overwhelming power shatters their illusions, stripping them of their protagonist status and exposing the harsh reality that not everyone is destined to be the hero. As the veil of destiny is torn away, the world witnesses a shift in narrative—where the strongest boss sitting at the top of the tower reigns supreme, and those who once believed they were the chosen ones must confront the truth of their own mortality.
Alternative Names:
- Jiu Ming: The Devil at the Top
- The Tower’s Last Barrier: Jiu Ming’s Reign
- No Protagonists Here: Jiu Ming’s Challenge
- Breaking the Hero: Jiu Ming’s Dominance
- The Fall of Protagonists: Jiu Ming’s Tower
- The Tower’s Apex: Confronting Jiu Ming
- The Strongest Boss: Jiu Ming’s Reign of Terror
- When Heroes Fail: Jiu Ming’s Dominion
- The Final Challenge: Jiu Ming’s Tower
- Jiu Ming: The Unbeatable Devil