**Title: The Apprentice Upgrades While I Lie Down**
In a world where cultivation and strength determine one’s destiny, an extraordinary dynamic unfolds in “The Apprentice Upgrades While I Lie Down.” The protagonist discovers an unconventional path to power: as his apprentice grows stronger and ascends in cultivation, he too inexplicably becomes more powerful, all while doing nothing.
The apprentice’s journey to god-level cultivation not only enhances his own abilities but also significantly boosts his master’s strength. With each level the apprentice achieves, the protagonist’s power skyrockets, making him an unstoppable force without lifting a finger. Witness this unique tale of cultivation, where the bonds between master and apprentice redefine the boundaries of power and destiny.
Alternative names:
1. Lying Down to Power: The Master and Apprentice Saga
2. Cultivation Boost: Mastering Through the Apprentice
3. Ascension Duo: The Passive Power of the Master