In “Human-Elf Conflict,” the greed of humanity has driven other races into hiding, forcing them to abandon their once-vibrant presence on Earth. The water world was absorbed into Earth’s domain, leaving only the elves as the visible remnants of these ancient races. The rest continue to move in the shadows, their identities concealed, their stories twisted into legends and church propaganda. This tale unveils a complex world where myths are rooted in reality, and the delicate balance between races teeters on the edge of chaos.
Irene, a human girl, stumbles upon a mysterious meteorite containing Rafar, an elf trapped in stasis. Driven by an instinct she cannot explain, Irene frees Rafar, unknowingly setting off a chain of events that will unravel long-hidden secrets. Together, they embark on a quest to find Silver, an elf labeled as a “traitor” by his own kind. Along their perilous journey, they are joined by the fierce warrior Gale and the enigmatic Nana, forming an unlikely alliance as they navigate a world rife with danger. However, when they finally confront Silver, Rafar begins to sense an unsettling truth. What starts as a mission to find a traitor quickly spirals into a revelation of a centuries-old conspiracy, threatening the fragile peace between humans and elves. As the truth comes to light, Irene and her companions must decide where their loyalties lie in a world where the lines between friend and foe are blurred.
Alternative Names:
- Elves of the Forgotten World
- The Last Elf and the Human Girl
- Secrets of the Earth Realm
- The Hidden War of the Races
- Irene’s Journey: The Elf’s Secret
- Conspiracy of the Elves
- The Elf and the Traitor
- Echoes of Forgotten Races
- Gale’s Blade, Nana’s Magic
- Earth’s Lost Legends