Wang Yang, an ordinary man who unexpectedly finds himself in the world of cultivation, is pursued by an unusual system desperate to bind with him. Despite his reluctance and desire for a peaceful life, Wang Yang refuses the system’s offers not once but three times. Unfazed, the system evolves and transforms into the ultimate “Arbitrary Eternal Lying Down Invincible System.” With the new version, the proposition becomes irresistible: simply by lying down, Wang Yang can grow stronger, unlock invincible skills, and be showered with countless beauties. No need for battles or exhausting cultivation—just relax, and the power of an emperor will come to him effortlessly.
As Wang Yang contemplates this extraordinary opportunity, his journey becomes an amusing yet powerful tale of an unexpected rise to supremacy. Will he continue resisting the system’s temptations, or will he finally embrace a path where laziness leads to invincibility?
Alternative Names:
- The Lazy Cultivator’s Rise to Invincibility
- Lying Down Emperor: Wang Yang’s Unstoppable Path
- Invincible by Laziness: The Ultimate System’s Offer
- Eternal Rest, Infinite Power