Driven by vengeance, Xuan Tian, a once naive teenager, embarks on an extraordinary martial arts training journey to confront the uncle who destroyed his family. Armed with a burning desire for justice, he dives headfirst into mastering the sword techniques of the ancients, determined to transform his weakness into unrivaled strength. Along this perilous road, Xuan Tian evolves from an untrained youth into the Sword God of his generation, a warrior whose name reverberates through the heavens.
What once seemed insurmountable to him now crumbles like dust beneath his feet. With a mere finger, he obliterates those who stand in his way, and with his sword, he dares to defy the very heavens themselves. As he rises to the peak of his power, Xuan Tian’s path leads him beyond the mortal realm to challenge the limitless heavens. His journey is one of growth, relentless pursuit of power, and the ultimate quest for revenge and redemption.
Alternative Names:
- Sword God Xuan Tian’s Ascension
- Path of the Sword: Xuan Tian’s Rise
- Defying Heavens: The Journey of Xuan Tian
- The Sword Master’s Revenge