Embark on a tale of reunion, friendship, and vengeance as Xiao Yan reunites with Xun’er at Jia Nan Academy after three long years apart. Their bond grows stronger as they establish the Stone Gate (Pan Gate), cementing their alliance in the face of adversity.
Driven by the desire to enhance his strength and seek revenge against the Misty Cloud Sect, Xiao Yan ventures deeper into the Qi Refining Pagoda. There, he risks everything to devour the powerful Fallen Heart Flame, a daring move that could alter the course of his destiny forever.
Join Xiao Yan on his perilous journey as he navigates the challenges of the Qi Refining Pagoda, harnessing the formidable power of the Fallen Heart Flame to achieve his goals. In this epic saga of courage and determination, witness the unfolding of Xiao Yan’s quest for strength and justice in a world filled with danger and intrigue.